Avery Van De Water has accepted a fellowship sponsored jointly by ReproNim and the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility which will allow her to gain valuable experience in conducting and training others in reproducible neuroimaging practices.
Avery shares her motivations and goals for becoming a ReproNim/INCF Training Fellow:
"Reproducible neuroscience is critical to the integrity and application of neuroscience research, and thus, is a topic I am extremely passionate about. As a ReproNim/INCF Training Fellow I will attend ReproNim’s opening Training Workshop, attend fellow video meetings throughout the year, identify training opportunities I can engage in, and prepare my own materials for these opportunities. All of this with the goal of delivering a workshop in reproducible neuroimaging during the 2022-2023 academic year and contributing to the development of ReproNim training material. Investing time at the start of my graduate career to build up my skills in reproducible neuroimaging will lay a profound basis for future studies and workflows that enable reproducibility. I am motivated by the intention to produce rigorous, replicable, and reproducible science in the field of neuroimaging and to encourage that of others."